Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reverend William V Of Lestranges, Archbishop Of Rouen

Most Reverend William V of Lestranges, Archbishop of Rouen, I come before you humbly in the name of our dear city. A faithful disciple, I have just returned from the Holy Land. I, along with my dear and fellow travelers, embarked on the most glorious journey. The pilgrimage to the birthplace of the Lord granted me the opportunity to reflect and repent for my sins. For you, most reverend William, under His Majesty Charles V of France, prescribed that all followers take up the cross and journey to the land most holy. A prosperous travel, my fellow women and I were granted the opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful chapels and cathedrals in this earthly realm. For God has some exquisite creations on this earth- his children have truly proven their devotion to his noble plan. Inspired by the brilliance of my sacred odyssey, I, an obedient follower of Thy Lord and Savior, graciously ask for your blessing in the construction of what will be known as the most opulent and divine building known to man. This grand city of Rouen is in dire need of a construction that will inspire splendor and faithfulness amongst our followers. It will be with His Majesty Charles’ enforcement of higher taxes that we will design and establish the grandest House of God. For it will be our city’s cathedral that will attract kings and pilgrims alike. Positioned on one of our many elevated landscapes, our glorious construction will be skillfully created for all to admire. To begin, Most Reverend

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