Sunday, December 22, 2019

Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned - 1170 Words

Nicholas Colwell English IV Mr. Kula November 21, 2014 Violent Video Games Should Not be Banned Violent acts committed by children seem to occur on a monthly basis. What is to blame for this trend? Many people try to find, what they would believe to be, a likely source for the violence once. Some people turn to violent video games as the reason why violent acts occur amongst children. Some would even argue, that violent video games in general should be banned. Violent video games should not be banned because they do not cause violent behaviors, they’re a major industry, and not all gamers are children. It would appear to be only logical that violent video games cause violence. This has been refuted by multiple studies. According to the American Medical Association, â€Å"If video games do increase violent tendencies outside the laboratory, the explosion of gaming over the past decade from $3.2 billion in sales in 1995 to $7 billion in 2003, according to industry figures, would suggest a parallel trend in youth violence. Instead, youth violence has been decreasing. (Koffler) What this shows is that video games do not directly cause youth violence. Many people still try to use the excuse that video games cause short term aggression. Short term aggression does not equate to violence. If somebody constantly fails at a sport they get angry. The same concept applies with video games. When someone gets angry while they are playing a videogame they are often fine by the endShow MoreRelatedViolent Video Games Should Be Banned Essay1432 Words   |  6 Pagesof violent video game become more and more advanced. The effects of media violence on video games has been increasing in people’s daily life. It is still be an issue and have a lot of debate on whether or not violent video games should be banned. In this essay, violent video games can be defined by RWJF Blog Team as those video game which represent violence as the best or only way to resolve conflict.( Pioneering ideas 2010). This essay will discussed by two reasons for violent video gameRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Not Be Banned821 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction From my opinion video games violent video games should not be banned. Today I will convince you why violent video games should not be banned. I will cover three points about risk factors, nature of the game and the studies claiming they have no link these all have things in common and they obviously will make you change your mind. First point Many Risk Factors are Associated with Youth Violence, but Video Games Have Nothing to do with it One of the main Surgeon generals has madeRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Be Banned1089 Words   |  5 Pages1. Topic and Stance: The topic that I’m researching and debating about is the concern of whether violent video games should be banned or not, and the stance that I’m taking is that they should be banned. 2. Background Information: There have been many concerns about violent video games and whether or not it’s the source of people’s violent behavior and the recent mass shootings. There have been many instances within the past decade where there have been mass shootings, such as the Aurora movie theaterRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Not Be Banned784 Words   |  3 Pagessubject, violent video games. Concerned parents influenced by the media have been trying for years to get all violent video games banned from the United States market. However, many scientists have proven that there is no correlation of violent games to violence, the media exaggerates isolated events and puts the blame for these events on violent games, and violent video games can actually have a positive effect on people of all ages. The media often suggests that violent video games have a consistentRead MoreBanning Violent Video Games On Children1545 Words   |  7 Pages Banning Violent Video Games A child is killing police officers. A teenager is hiring prostitutes to potentially kill them. He is using weapons such as guns, chainsaws, and knives to kill and commit horrible crimes. Thousands of children and teens participate in these actions daily. How? Violent Video games such as Doom, Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto are just a few of the games that are full of these awful actions. The Harvard Mental Health Letter states, â€Å"The Pew Research Center reportedRead MoreEssay on Violent Video Games are the Root Cause of Youth Aggression1157 Words   |  5 Pagesone of the most popular being video games. Video games have come a long way since they were first introduced to the mainstream audience during the 1960’s and 1970’s and have drawn a large amount attraction among people of all ages and culture. However it wasn’t until the Play-station was released that violence became a concern to parents and politics. The level of violence in video games h ave been in a matter of controversy dating all the way back to the classic games like Pacman and Space InvadersRead MoreShould Violent Media Be Banned Essay818 Words   |  4 PagesShould violent media be banned? Many teenagers are now being introduced into playing or watching violent media at very young ages and society are wondering if they should be concerned about it; they are wondering whether it can cause aggressive behaviour within the children/teenagers. Violent video games and violent action films normally have age restriction son them so that children under the age of 15 or in some cases 18 cannot buy them. You see many teenagers with these games and moviesRead MoreViolent Video Games857 Words   |  4 PagesShould Violent Video Games be Banned? â€Å"Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings.† ― James Paul Gee, Why Video Games Are Good for Your Soul: Pleasure and Learning. Some people have controversial argument that violent video games should be banned, claiming about the content of video games can change the behavior and attitudes of the players. Since the early 2000s, advocates of video games have emphasized theirRead MoreResearch Paper on Video Game Violence1483 Words   |  6 PagesKendal Hill Mrs. Van Fleet Block 3 10 December 2011 Video games and Violent Behavior True or False: Violent videogames cause children to become more aggressive. Sorry, that was a trick question. Despite much bandying of statistics and loud talking by critics on both sides of the argument, the real answer is that there is no real answer—at least not one that’s been proved scientifically (Zipp). Video games are an appealing target for a public figure in search of a crusade. Movies and musicRead MoreViolence Satire Essay541 Words   |  3 Pagespeople being violent, but when we are asked if we are violent or if we have ever responded with violence, everyone says they are not violent. But if among ourselves we are not violent then who is it that makes our society a violent society? Television plays a big role on violence. Most of us watch television daily. And what do we see daily on television? The news, about our world surrounded by violence? Movies, that only show shootings, death, and more violence? Even cartoons are violent, like the

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