Monday, December 30, 2019

What Is A Family Essay - 955 Words

The word â€Å"family† is unique, special, and controversial among different cultures and ethnicities. As defined by Random House Western Dictionary, a family is â€Å"any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins† ( Although the definition from Random House follows the infamous proverb of, â€Å"blood is thicker than water,† my definition of family does not. Family is not defined or restricted by blood relations. In my mind, a family is simply a group of people, who loves, supports, and helps each other unconditionally, and endlessly. Regardless of one’s sexual orientation or preference, all families embody these common principles. Thus, a family unites its members through the strong†¦show more content†¦My family is only restricted to my mother, friends, and professors. These people have influenced my life in so many ways possible that words can never describe. For instance, I ha ve a father, brother, and sister who are still alive and breathing. But why do I not consider them my family? Although we share similar physical characteristics and genetics, our values and morals do not blend or interchange. Both my siblings and father have caused a lot of dilemmas and problems within the family such as excessive gambling and drinking. One problem that still exists, deals with the sixty thousand dollar robbery committed by someone who I no longer refer to as my sister, but as a criminal. She stole my mother’s money to do who knows what and till this day is still unresponsive and denies of the? theft when all evidence points to her. Family does not steal and lie from its members. Betrayal and dishonesty are qualities that do not belong in a family. Family is dependable and protects against the inhumanity within all people. Protection becomes susceptible to failure when an act of disloyalty starts from within. Although many people define a family by blood relations, an authentic family is one that does not inflict permanent pain and damage amongst its members. Acknowledging that a true family has problems, there also must be limits and boundaries. At the end of the day, family livesShow MoreRelatedWhat is a family?1206 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is a family? Most people get confused about the definition of family. A family is having a close relationship to a group of people and they do not have to be blood related. That group of people should share respect, love, and loyalty. Usually a family is consisting of a father, mother, and siblings. However, mine is grandparents, parents, and siblings. Families are important because they give love and security. For example, I always feel loved when I am with my family, and secured or protectedRead Morewhat is family1210 Words   |  5 Pages What is Family? Family has so many different meanings to every individual who has answers this question. Trying to find a general definition for this term is impossible. Everyone has a different concept of what a family is, what I would consider my family is far more stretch than a typical American family. Coming from a Latin culture my family’s considered grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, friends and down to theRead MoreWhat Is A Family?1845 Words   |  8 PagesWhat is a Family? The basic social unit in a community is family; it contains parents and their children, considered as a group, whether residing together or not. A family may contain an husband, spouse, brother and sister, parent and son and daughter. In the extended families more members like grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece and nephew or sibling-in-law can be there. In the most societies the principal unit of socialization of children is a family. A family is a group of people which careRead MoreWhat Is A Family? Essay760 Words   |  4 PagesFor most of us, the family is considered as a well-known and comfortable institution. The perfect model of the ‘ideal’ family is still mostly considered to be consisted from two different sexes’ parents, and one or more children. Until quite recently, the sociology of the family was mostly functionalist and just in the last few decades has been challenged from various directions. There are many different definitions about what the family is. Different theoretical positions influence these variationsRead MoreWhat Makes A Family?796 Words   |  4 PagesAs a leader, I have five core values that matter most to me; having a family, maintaining order(tranquility), meaningful work, growth, and truth. I strongly believe in each one of these components. Having a family is so important because they are a main support system. Family doesn’t have to be someone who is blood related. Family can be anyone who you feel means a lot to you and supports you. Maintaining order(tranquility) is important because in the work place, you need to have organization ofRead MoreWhat Is A Family? Essay822 Words   |  4 PagesThe family is far different from that of the past. It is rare to find a traditional family with a stay at home mom. Today, many children grow up in a single parent environment, with mothers who work most of the time to support them. Many children will also grow up without a father figure. In the article† Absent Fathers: Why Don’t We Ever Talk about the Unmarried Man?† Rebecca Blank states, â€Å"For every single mother, there is a father who is not living with his children. It seems that people haveRead MoreWhat Is Extended Family815 Words   |  4 PagesFamily a group consisting of one or two parents and their children: extended family noun 1. A family group that consists of parents, children, and other close relatives, generally, it’s A group of relatives, such as those of three generations often living in close geographic proximity rather than under the same roof. People living together as an extended family occasionally feel a greater security and belonging. This is an advantage of extended type of family because this family containsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article What Is A Family? 1711 Words   |  7 Pages ENG 201 Families are changing in various ways. In the articles â€Å"What is a Family?†, â€Å"Absent Fathers: Why Don’t We Ever Talk About Unmarried Men?†, â€Å"Cohabitation Instead of Marriage†, â€Å"Ballad of a Single Mother† and â€Å"Children of Gay Fathers†, they all share and show different ways families are like worldwide today. They speak about how they feel about there relationships with there family and children and who they are as a person. The new American family unit brings with it many strugglesRead MoreWhat Makes A Happy Family?1237 Words   |  5 Pages What Constitutes a Happy Family? Damaris Tirado Keiser University Abstract Many people have a concept of what a happy family is. A family can be composed of two, three or more members. Family constitutes the most fundamental part of communities. Conflicts, lack of communication are big stressors. There is no question that broken family ties deteriorates household relationships. Nonetheless, there are many families that are still strong and thriving. What is it that makes a household happyRead MoreWhat Is The Family And Childrens Agency1758 Words   |  8 PagesAgency Description The Family and Children’s Agency (FCA) has many locations all over Fairfield County. One local agency office is located at 9 Mott Avenue, Norwalk CT on the fourth floor. The FCA is an non-profit organization that provides child and family development counseling, behavioral health counseling, community connections, foster care, adoption services, and family support. Jennifer McBride is one of the many devoted employees who is a LCSW and works as a Behavioral Health Clinical supervisor

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned - 1170 Words

Nicholas Colwell English IV Mr. Kula November 21, 2014 Violent Video Games Should Not be Banned Violent acts committed by children seem to occur on a monthly basis. What is to blame for this trend? Many people try to find, what they would believe to be, a likely source for the violence once. Some people turn to violent video games as the reason why violent acts occur amongst children. Some would even argue, that violent video games in general should be banned. Violent video games should not be banned because they do not cause violent behaviors, they’re a major industry, and not all gamers are children. It would appear to be only logical that violent video games cause violence. This has been refuted by multiple studies. According to the American Medical Association, â€Å"If video games do increase violent tendencies outside the laboratory, the explosion of gaming over the past decade from $3.2 billion in sales in 1995 to $7 billion in 2003, according to industry figures, would suggest a parallel trend in youth violence. Instead, youth violence has been decreasing. (Koffler) What this shows is that video games do not directly cause youth violence. Many people still try to use the excuse that video games cause short term aggression. Short term aggression does not equate to violence. If somebody constantly fails at a sport they get angry. The same concept applies with video games. When someone gets angry while they are playing a videogame they are often fine by the endShow MoreRelatedViolent Video Games Should Be Banned Essay1432 Words   |  6 Pagesof violent video game become more and more advanced. The effects of media violence on video games has been increasing in people’s daily life. It is still be an issue and have a lot of debate on whether or not violent video games should be banned. In this essay, violent video games can be defined by RWJF Blog Team as those video game which represent violence as the best or only way to resolve conflict.( Pioneering ideas 2010). This essay will discussed by two reasons for violent video gameRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Not Be Banned821 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction From my opinion video games violent video games should not be banned. Today I will convince you why violent video games should not be banned. I will cover three points about risk factors, nature of the game and the studies claiming they have no link these all have things in common and they obviously will make you change your mind. First point Many Risk Factors are Associated with Youth Violence, but Video Games Have Nothing to do with it One of the main Surgeon generals has madeRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Be Banned1089 Words   |  5 Pages1. Topic and Stance: The topic that I’m researching and debating about is the concern of whether violent video games should be banned or not, and the stance that I’m taking is that they should be banned. 2. Background Information: There have been many concerns about violent video games and whether or not it’s the source of people’s violent behavior and the recent mass shootings. There have been many instances within the past decade where there have been mass shootings, such as the Aurora movie theaterRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Not Be Banned784 Words   |  3 Pagessubject, violent video games. Concerned parents influenced by the media have been trying for years to get all violent video games banned from the United States market. However, many scientists have proven that there is no correlation of violent games to violence, the media exaggerates isolated events and puts the blame for these events on violent games, and violent video games can actually have a positive effect on people of all ages. The media often suggests that violent video games have a consistentRead MoreBanning Violent Video Games On Children1545 Words   |  7 Pages Banning Violent Video Games A child is killing police officers. A teenager is hiring prostitutes to potentially kill them. He is using weapons such as guns, chainsaws, and knives to kill and commit horrible crimes. Thousands of children and teens participate in these actions daily. How? Violent Video games such as Doom, Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto are just a few of the games that are full of these awful actions. The Harvard Mental Health Letter states, â€Å"The Pew Research Center reportedRead MoreEssay on Violent Video Games are the Root Cause of Youth Aggression1157 Words   |  5 Pagesone of the most popular being video games. Video games have come a long way since they were first introduced to the mainstream audience during the 1960’s and 1970’s and have drawn a large amount attraction among people of all ages and culture. However it wasn’t until the Play-station was released that violence became a concern to parents and politics. The level of violence in video games h ave been in a matter of controversy dating all the way back to the classic games like Pacman and Space InvadersRead MoreShould Violent Media Be Banned Essay818 Words   |  4 PagesShould violent media be banned? Many teenagers are now being introduced into playing or watching violent media at very young ages and society are wondering if they should be concerned about it; they are wondering whether it can cause aggressive behaviour within the children/teenagers. Violent video games and violent action films normally have age restriction son them so that children under the age of 15 or in some cases 18 cannot buy them. You see many teenagers with these games and moviesRead MoreViolent Video Games857 Words   |  4 PagesShould Violent Video Games be Banned? â€Å"Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings.† ― James Paul Gee, Why Video Games Are Good for Your Soul: Pleasure and Learning. Some people have controversial argument that violent video games should be banned, claiming about the content of video games can change the behavior and attitudes of the players. Since the early 2000s, advocates of video games have emphasized theirRead MoreResearch Paper on Video Game Violence1483 Words   |  6 PagesKendal Hill Mrs. Van Fleet Block 3 10 December 2011 Video games and Violent Behavior True or False: Violent videogames cause children to become more aggressive. Sorry, that was a trick question. Despite much bandying of statistics and loud talking by critics on both sides of the argument, the real answer is that there is no real answer—at least not one that’s been proved scientifically (Zipp). Video games are an appealing target for a public figure in search of a crusade. Movies and musicRead MoreViolence Satire Essay541 Words   |  3 Pagespeople being violent, but when we are asked if we are violent or if we have ever responded with violence, everyone says they are not violent. But if among ourselves we are not violent then who is it that makes our society a violent society? Television plays a big role on violence. Most of us watch television daily. And what do we see daily on television? The news, about our world surrounded by violence? Movies, that only show shootings, death, and more violence? Even cartoons are violent, like the

Saturday, December 14, 2019

British Policy Towards EU Integration Free Essays

†Therefore, there is no straight choice about whether Britain’s political future is to be ’European’ or otherwise. This reflects not just the domestic complexity and combustibility of the debate about European integration, but also a profound sense of ambiguity about what the European Union is now and what it might yet become† (Colin Hay 2002).This quote describes Britain’s position and views towards the European Union very well in order to start my discussion about their political role towards European integration. We will write a custom essay sample on British Policy Towards EU Integration or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this essay I will start by looking into how history has its influence on the given subject and what needs to be done to convince the public that the EU is a necessary institution to be a part of. Furthermore I would like to look at the issue of the EMU which I see as a key part of the European integration. Historical aspectsBritain has in parts of the historical aspect had a hegemonic role in the world and even playing a dominant part in the European economy (post Napoleonic wars) as Rosamond argues Britain played a great part in the economic order that was laid down in the nineteenth century displacing various versions of national political economy (Hay 2002, Rosamond). When Britain also felt that being one of the main reasons that the allies won the Second World War, it shows how they see themselves on top of the world hierarchy.Having this in mind and the fact that ‘British politicians and officials never had any intention of joining the nascent moves towards a European union in the 1950s’ (Not Playing Their Games, The Economist 2010), it seems that Britain is only in the EU only of necessity and not of their own will. I know that this could be an overstateme nt, but when looking into some of the texts read before writing this essay I have stumbled upon multiple arguments of why Britain had to join the EC/EU and this is somehow concerning. How does this then affect the British policy towards EU integration?Well when a majority of the public, parts of the media and a number of political parties are EU sceptic, it might quite easily have a negative effect. This must be changed if the Britain/EU relationship is to succeed. The politicians need to stress to the population how important the EU is to Britain and vice versa. Especially a crucial aspect to this issue is that Britain is not a hegemony anymore and as Europe has evolved after WWII with the EC/EU it cannot just turn its back on things and has to play an active role for the European Union to ‘flourish’ in the best possible way.But this seems as a difficult task, having the above mentioned in mind and the fact that Brittons seeing the problematique as Mrs. Thatcher described it â€Å"in my lifetime all our problems have come from mainland Europe, and all the solutions have come from the English-speaking nations across the world. † (Not Playing Their Games, The Economist 2010). The EMU issue If Britain really should take a big step towards European integration, it should be a part of the EMU and replace the Sterling with the Euro.There a also various other things that needs to be done in order for this, but as mentioned earlie r the EMU issue is a key one in this discussion. And that’s where the problem may lie. Because if Britain chose to do so in replacing the currencies, it could indirectly send a message to the public that Britain is giving up their sovereignty. And looking back on how ‘nationalistic’(used in terms as described in the article by Daniel Woodley, Nationalism, regionalism and Europeanism, 2006) and ‘patriotic’ the Brittons are about their country I cannot see how this could be possible.Taking into consideration the fact that both Greece and Ireland have/is struggling economically, I can only see how this will give the EU sceptics even more ‘fire power’ against the EMU and the EU. This is a major barricade in this situation and I do not see how Britain can integrate itself in ‘Europe’ before this has been taken care of with positive outcomes. Furthermore I do not think that a solution in British integration is to join the EMU, but why this is will be in my conclusion. Conclusion Looking at this essay I have only discussed a few topics in a much larger puzzle, but the fact that the British ‘identity’ and how they see themselves compared to the EU and where it seems to be heading. I think that these are some of the key issues Britain should look into in determining how (if) to integrate in ‘Europe’. It appears to me that Britain is in a place they do not want to be, but still are due to the fact that it would have negative economic consequences if they backed out of the EU.British politicians in my opinion should revise they are there in the first place and why the public is so sceptic in the first place. I am sure this has already been done, but it is disturbing that Britain is at the bottom of the poll from the Economist on whether the EU is a good thing and at the same time trustworthy. Adding to this is the public’s â€Å".. ignorance of what the EU does and how it works. The mistaken belief that the EU is responsible for as much as 80% of all legislation in Europe (it is no more than 50%.. †(Not Playing Their Games, The Economist 2010).If the politicians (even the Eurosceptics that still want to be a part of the EU) want to maintain a healthy European Union and why Britain should stay as a member, they have to persuade the general public how the EU really works and what ‘good’ things come from this. This is easier said than done and when having the Problems in Ireland and Greece in mind it will not be easy for the Government to change the public’s point of view towards the EU. Britain is going to play a big part of the future of the EU, but the big question is which path they choose to take. How to cite British Policy Towards EU Integration, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Behavioral Analysis Motivating Operation

Question: Discuss bout the Behavioral Analysis for Motivating Operation. Answer: Introduction: Negative reinforcement originated from the theory of operant conditioning by B.F Skinner. The behaviors of the individuals are streamlined by either removing or stopping the motivating factor(Iwata, 1987). Similarly, it can be implemented by adopting aversive stimulus whereby and the individual is involved in the form of the discomfort which may be either psychological or physical. There are aspects which are responsible for maintaining behavior which is maintained by negative reinforcement. Motivating Operation (MO) has been proved as one the factors behind the success of the negatively reinforced behavior. According to Iwata (1987), motivating operation changes a certain stimulus that acts as a source of punishment or reinforcement. Again, it interferes with the probability of the behaviors that are linked to negative reinforcement. Alternatively, motivating operation gets rid of the avoidance of a particular stimulus and instead arouses historical effects associated with such beha viors. Besides, the Iwata findings other studies which have been conducted by him have found that motivating operation is very influential in shaping the behaviors maintained by negative reinforcement or punishment. One of the studies by Carr, Blakeley-Smith (2006) has found that motivating operations has a very impactful influence on operant relationships and thus contribute significant those who it is applied to. Punishment Punishment, most of the times, is applied to make people avoid the repetition of the wrong deeds done. Research findings have indicated that punishment may lead to a reduction of the unwanted behavior and in other scenarios it may result in total suppression of the same. However, according to Lerman Vorndran (2002), the continued use of punishment has contributed to eruption various punishment methods in several fields. It the emergence of the various forms of punishment which brings this paper to question whether punishment has either changed, solidified or has become more solidified. From the analysis of the Lerman and Vorndran, it can be argued that the forms of punishment have changed. This is because today people apply various forms of punishment as a way of eliminating a particular behavior. For example, ranging the organizational managers to the teachers in the classroom they will adopt to the punishment techniques that will ensure employees and the students respectively are corrected for engaging in indiscipline issues. Again, in the modern world, the forms of punishment are rapidly changing from the physical ones to the psychological ones. Human rights protection has become a fundamental aspect hence leading to the elimination of the punishments which may be deemed inhumane. Therefore, this paper argues that punishment changed and has neither solidified nor become more ambiguous. Ethical Considerations Treatment Situation without the patient or Guardians Consent It becomes difficult and challenging at some scenarios for both the individuals and professionals to act ethically. This means that at some time one may found himself or herself in an ethical dilemma in choosing either to act for what is good or for what is bad. First and foremost, for a medical professional, he or she may opt to provide treatment to the patient without the consent of either the victim or the guardian. For instance, take a scenario whereby an individual has been involved in a tragic accident which has left him or her unconscious with no guardian at bay. In this situation, the victim will require an emergency treatment save his or her life. This treatment is fully justifiable and can be explained to the individual once he or she recovers. Another scenario whereby the patient can be treated without his consent as well as that of the guardian is where the disclosure of ailment the patient is suffering from will result into severe threat on the patients well-being. This happens because the disclosure of the same may result to emotional or psychological distraction of the victim. Again, the exception of the consent may apply whereby the patient is in operation process, and there arises an emergency to carry out an extra operation procedure. According to Hartman Liang (1999) the court in the case of Canterbury v Spence ruled out that this exception in medical field is acceptable and justifiable. Therefore, the treatment of the patient without his or her consent or that of the guardian can be fully justified. References Carr, E. G., Blakeley-Smith, A. (2006). Classroom intervention for the illness-related problem. Behavior Modification, 30(6), 901-924. Iwata, B. A. (1987). Negative reinforcement in applied behavior analysis -An emerging technology. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 20(4), 361-378. Lerman, D. C., Vorndran, C. M. (2002). N The Status Of Knowledge For Using Punishment: Implications For Treating Behavior Disorders. Journal Of Applied Behavior Analysis, 35(4), 431464.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Sweet Toothed Fairy Essay Example For Students

The Sweet Toothed Fairy Essay It was a very foggy day and Jackie and Jenny were walking down the street to Lauras house. It was so foggy that they couldnt even see their own feet. It was getting dark out fast and they were both kind of scared. They started talking to each other about school when all of a sudden they ran into someone. ?Ahhhhhh? they both cried. They were so scared. They started to run but they looked closer and saw that it was only Lillian. ?Boooo? she said. ?Im the Boogie Man?! They all started to laugh. ?Mistake number one? said Jackie. We will write a custom essay on The Sweet Toothed Fairy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now ?No, its number two? said a mysterious voice. ?Uhoh? Jenny said. ?Run?!?Dont run, for its only me, your friend?. A figure stepped out of nowhere. ?Hi ya all, whats up It was Laura. ?Told ya all that this is mistake number two?! Everyone laughed, even Jackie. ?So maybe youre right this time?. ?We were just coming to find you and on our way we ran into Lillian? said Jenny. ?Oh? said Laura. ?Why dont you girls come over to my house, we can have some doughnuts and milk?. ?OK? we all agreed. ?But lets stick together?. We all agreed on that to. We all started walking back holding hands and talking about our favorite things when Jackie tripped over something. ?Ow? she moaned. ?My toe, I just tripped over something?. ?Look, theres an egg or something on the ground, dont step on it?. Laura bent over and picked it up. ?Its heavy, someone help me carry it back to my house, then we can look at it better?. They started running, they were all excited. When they finally arrived at Lauras house, they found that the egg was pink, round and about 5 inches big, but quite heavy. ?Pretty? said Lillian, ?but what is it No one said anything for a minute or so but it seemed like hours. ?Ill get the dictionary? Laura said to break the silence. In a minute Laura came back with the dictionary and started looking through it. When she got to the Fs she stopped and picked up a piece of paper that was laying right by the word fairy. ?Come here everyone and look at this? Laura said. She held up the piece of paper. ?Read it, read it? everyone chanted. ?Okay, okay. It says.. Dear Laura and friends,You have just found an egg that will bring you much adventure. This is a fairy egg. You and your friends will be responsible for hatching this egg and taking care of it until Halloween night when you will go to Night Road and find Wizard Terry Caller and give the fairy to him. To hatch the fairy you shall put the egg in a warm area and chant this poem 3 times:Fairy of beautyFairy of lightCome to me this very nightI will respect you with all of my mightPlease comeThen wait for results. You must feed the fairy like you would feed any human. Feed the fairy chocolate bars or anything sweet. Give her water to drink, remember, you only have to take care of it for 14 days. Sincerely,Terry Caller. and thats all it says?. ?Cool? said Jenny. ?Lets hatch it tonight?. They all agreed. But first they all called their parents and asked if they could sleep over. All of the parents said yes because it was a Friday night. They were excited, but it was only 4:00 pm. They couldnt hatch the egg yet, so they all played games for a while. Time flew. Before they knew it, it was 11:00 pm and time to get down to business. They put the games away and put the egg by the heater. They held hands and closed their eyes and said the poem 3 times and opened their eyes to a big surprise. In place of the egg was a fairy, with a pink dress on and wings of lace. The skin was lavender and seemed to be as smooth as silk. .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 , .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .postImageUrl , .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 , .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0:hover , .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0:visited , .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0:active { border:0!important; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0:active , .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0 .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue9b4579796ec5340264acb8068e56fa0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Essay Summary?Its beautiful?, Jackie whispered taking the others out of shock. ?It sure is? Lillian whispered back. ?You can say that again? Laura said. She stood up and picked up the fairy. ?What should we name this cute little fairyIts probably a girl? said Jackie, ?so how about KatieNo we have to think of something different you know, just not normal names. ?Like Ruben, we should name it Ruben? Jenny said. ?That sounds good? said Laura. She looked at the fairy who seemed to be agreeing by nodding her head. ?Ruben it is? Laura said with excitement. Then she said ?Lets go get Ruben some chocolate and water. Follow me?. They gave Ruben her meal and all started talking at once. ?Wow, this is amazing? shouted Lillian. ?I think Im seeing things? Jackie said. ?This is impossible? Jenny said. ?Be quiet you guys. Youll wake my parents? Laura loudly whispered. Everyone quieted down. They looked at Ruben. She was taking the last bites of the chocolate and sipping the last sips of the water. When she was done, Jenny carried her up to Lauras room and put her in the sock drawer where Ruben made herself comfortable and fell fast asleep. So did the rest of them. The next morning their parents picked them up early. So it was just Laura and Ruben they played for a while and Laura found out that Ruben could talk and was an excellent card player. Soon Ruben appeared to be hungry so they went to the kitchen and had lunch together. Then before she knew it, it was Monday and she had to go to school. Ruben couldnt be alone so she came to. At school Laura gave Ruben to Jenny to take care of and on Tuesday Jenny gave Ruben to Jackie and on Wednesday Jackie gave Ruben to Lillian and on Thursday back to Laura and on Friday to Jenny to take care of over the weekend. T!he week flew by, all hav ing a great time with Ruben. On the spelling test on Wednesday Ruben helped Jenny with the word ?Beautiful?. Over the weekend, Jenny had a great time until Sunday afternoon. Jenny called Laura, Lillian and Jackie over and told them that she couldnt find Ruben. They looked everywhere. They couldnt find Ruben. They were about to give up when they walked into the Candy Store when Mr. Carmen, the owner, said ?theres a strange object in the chocolate section. You girls should check it out?. They all ran over to the chocolate section and found Ruben eating a chocolate bar. ?Thank goodness we found you Ruben, youre lucky?. They took Ruben and ran out of the Candy Store. Jenny went home with Ruben and the others went back to their homes. The following week went by really fast. Soon it was Halloween night. They all met at the Night Road with Ruben. They didnt want to say good-bye but they knew they had to. They hugged and even kissed her. Some cried. ?Ill miss you all very much. You were all terrific to me. I love you a lot? said Ruben, ?but please dont cry. I will always be with you in your heart?. They stopped crying and said their final good-byes. Then a shadow appeared out of nowhere and asked for the fairy. ?You mean Ruben, the fairy asked Laura. ?Yes, if that is the fairy in the pink dress and has lavender skin?. ?That would be Ruben all right. Are you Terry CallerThat would be me. Can I have Ruben now, she needs to go back to her own world. If you girls would like to come to the leaving point with me you may? said Terry. ?Just follow me?. They all followed until he came to a stop. ?You girls can say good-bye to Ruben now, she must leave as soon as possible?. .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 , .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .postImageUrl , .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 , .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61:hover , .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61:visited , .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61:active { border:0!important; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61:active , .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61 .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7a4ab7338c27a0977a79a0f876420a61:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Kill A Mocking Bird Essay Thesis?Good-bye Ruben. I love you always? cried Laura. The rest seemed speechless. Finally Jenny managed to say good-bye but that was all. Then they all heard Ruben say ?It is time Master Terry Caller?. Terry let her go. She flew up into the sky and seemed to turn into a star in the sky. And that was that.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution essays

Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution essays The Civil War is sometimes referred to as the Second American Revolution. This is a suitable description because of the tremendous impact it had on our economic, political, and social development. President Abraham Lincoln succeeded in keeping the United States intact during this transition where many men would have failed. The origins of this disruptive war can be found in the framing of the Constitution and the century old debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists over the issue of states' rights. The Founding Fathers of our society were, almost to the man, thoughtful, ambitious, well-educated and discursive people. To the Fathers it was clear, that government should be limited not only in the number of powers it exercised, but in the extent of territory it ruled. The small and local were preferable to the vast and national. If one state or local government should exceed its proper powers, citizens should be able to escape it without leaving the continent. In the 1798 Kentucky Resolutions, Thomas Jefferson said that thefederal government must never be allowed to become the final arbiter of the extent of its own powers.? He felt giving all the power back to the nation would inevitably bring the United States back to square one; that is what the Americans had been fighting against in the Revolutionary War. Federalism as a philosophical concept is appealing in its natural sense of fairness and support between the states and a unifying, supervising government. However, it is not realistic when applied in the governing of a nation because of the fact that one of the elements, either the states or the central government, must assume the dominant role. There is a necessary triumph of the states or the national government. This struggle for the upper hand in government is what brought about the Civil War. The conflict was inevitable because of the Constitution, itself, and its confusing wording pertaining to the balance of pow...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Proposal paper assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Proposal paper assignment - Essay Example New media is especially applied through social media by teenagers to create their own social networks and interact with others through them Veltman (2006). Many researchers continue to investigate the impacts of social media on society with different studies focusing different specific segments, including youth, children, young adults, adults, and even the elderly. Even though a lot of research has been done on the impact of social media on the youth and particularly teenagers, not much has been covered about new media in general. Social media is just part of new media and there is still a significant gap in knowledge about how to minimize the negative impacts of new media on teenagers (Gross et al., 2002). According to Veltman (2006), new media is a broad term encompassing the amalgamation of traditional media with the interactive power provided by modern information and communication technology, including computers; computer enabled communication devices, and the Internet. ... This paper specifically focuses on identification of the various components making up new media, the positive impacts of new media on teenagers, the negative impacts of new media on teenagers, and approaches of minimizing negative impacts of new media on teenagers. Research Background This study examines one major dependent variable, which is the impact of new media on teenagers. This dependent variable is affected by the ‘elements’ of new media, all of which make up the independent variables. Although there are many elements associated with new media, this study will focus on five main independent variables, including the Internet, social media, access to portable communication devices, access to computers, and communication support platforms (Cyber cafes) that serve teenagers alongside other groups of people. The first independent variable in the study is the Internet. The Internet is defined by Jones (2003) as a worldwide system of computer networks in which users all over the world can access through a computer to communicate with other computers, share information, obtain information or even directly communicate with users on other computers on the network. Veltman (2006) points out that currently the Internet is an extensive, public, cooperative and self-sustaining system that billions of people around the world have access to. It also consumes a portion of the total resources committed to public communication networks globally. The second independent variable in this study is social media. Many definitions have been given to social media depending on the various approaches towards the concept. According to McKenna & Barg

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The west on the eve of a new world order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The west on the eve of a new world order - Essay Example The philosophes were the intellectuals of the Enlightenment who believed that philosophy can change the world. Montesquieu argued that separation of powers promoted checks and balances in the government. Jean-Jacques Rousseau asserted that the concept of the social contract happens when people use general will to create a government system. Mary Wollstonecraft argued that all human beings, including women, have innate reason. Economic changes affected the social order. By the eighteenth century, Britain and France eclipsed old world monopolies (i.e. Spain, Portugal, and the Dutch Republic) through its largely profitable colonial empires and cottage industries. Peasants in Europe were generally free compared to serfs in Eastern Europe and Russia. Patrician oligarchies dominated towns and cities across Europe. The colonial empires in the Americas had different rulers. British North American used colonization effectively because the English were motivated by the desire for religious and economic independence. These colonies were made to balance trade that favored the mother country, however, which fueled ideas for independence. French North America was managed autocratically. They did not succeed as well as the English because of lack of money and people. The thirteen British colonies in America soon declared war against their mother land and demanded independence from Britain. After winning the American Revolution, America created a new Constitution, and afterwards, a Bill of Rights in 1789. Enlightened absolutism refers to ruling through equality of all before the law, religious toleration, freedom of speech and the press, and the rights of private property. Frederick II of Prussia developed a Prussian army that upheld duty, obedience, and sacrifice, but he also limited basic freedoms and did not change serfdom. Joseph II portrayed enlightened absolutism more than Frederick II because he abolished serfdom and

Monday, November 18, 2019

ROLE OF VIRTUAL ORGANIZATIONS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ROLE OF VIRTUAL ORGANIZATIONS - Research Paper Example Results were as expected and the findings implied that virtual organizations offer a fashionable way of carrying out virtual businesses guaranteeing proper communication between the employees and e-consumers, ensuring low cost management, promising time-saving transactions and assuring a well collaborative environment with safe conduction of e-commerce, all based on some pixels on the computer screen. Current theories focus on the virtual world which is an online imaginary world or cyberspace world where people live imaginary lives, also called the Second Life, in which they establish and maintain businesses and make real money. The business in a virtual world is referred to as virtual business, the product produced is called virtual product, but the money made is real. In a virtual organization (VO), nothing really exists, or exists â€Å"as pixels dancing on the computer screens of people who inhabit the online virtual world† (Hof). Businesses are carried out on personal computers. Businessmen log into their accounts, interact with their employees, get updated about their performances, carry out commerce online, pay salaries using online payment websites, shop online and make sales online. A VO is a complete world in itself, having virtual products, goods and services. It has its own virtual economy which can even let one own a piece of land. The virtual currency can eve n be converted in to real dollars. VOs have made business possible that only exists in somebody’s brains without the need of tables, desks, chairs, offices, buildings, and cups of tea over meetings. Research has shown that VOs also play a major role in carrying out e-commerce, very much similar to real world. There are auction sites where one can place bids or sell something that one owns. One makes payments and gets paid online. There are shopping websites that let you shop whatever you want while sitting in the comfort of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ethical Conflicts in International Business

Ethical Conflicts in International Business 2. Background: Some of authors have been said about Cross Cultural intelligence and Ethical Conflicts. E.g. David C. Thomas and Kerr Inkson defined cultural intelligence: People work for the Global Work place is a representative sample of publications concerning Cultural Intelligence. Scholl hammer (1977) discussed the need for international codes of conduct to govern cross-cultural activities. When expatriate managers return before the official completion of there overseas assignments the stress and low job satisfaction resulting from culture shock is often blamed (Newman et al., 1978). Due to drastic growth of globalisation expatriates managers commonly are seen in many of the multinational organisations. The vital aspect in the segment should be focused on cultural adjustments between different nationality managers. This can be supported by saying that different nations have different cultural aspects. The diverse cultural aspects are the main causes for the confronting situations. The business organisations are in action across different borders of the world. The international organisations consider whether a particular issue is right or wrong due to the bridging gap between the different countries. Cultural relativity is a very waste theory in different countries perceptions. What may be considered right in one culture turned out to be unethical in another. Some argue that the country in which the business is that culture is the one to be followed. All the countries vary in many different aspects like economical, environmental, cultural, ethical values, linguistical and so on. Thus all these barriers which are mentioned make the cultural conflicts. The right business manager is the one who balances between the barriers and the flawless business operations. This entirely depends upon the managerial capabilities. These can be successed by different alternative strategies though one cannot particularly describe a single strategy which is suitable for everyone. One of the valid and required method is to make greater in the cross cultural solutions to international business is communication and interaction with in company and between companies, between organisations and clients and between co-workers. Now days cross cultural consultancies have been participating to solve the conflicts and risks in the cultural organisations. Cross cultural consultancies therefore concentrate their efforts on interpersonal communication. Diversity of cultures and cultural backgrounds between a highly various staff base leads with it difficulties and risks. Cross cultural differences reveal general areas such as in behaviour, etiquette, norms, values, expressions, group mechanics and non-verbal communication. These cross cultural differences then follow on through to high level areas such as management styles, corporate culture, marketing, HR and PR. ( In order to overcome these conflicts, every company need to have specialist concentration is required in the form of a cross cultural professional. One example like an accountant to examine finances, in that way a cross cultural expert know-how to reduce cultural conflicts and provide better solutions to interpersonal cultural differences. Within organisations there are many angles in which cultural differences manifest. Some of organisation areas which cross cultural specialists deal with include, but are not exclusive to, the following: Human Resource Department: HR will take care of employees recruitment process, employees transfers, overseas projects, employees salary decisions and training sessions. These are all covers a wide range of business critical areas that need cross cultural analysis. Group-Building: Every company would like to perform very well. So for that if the cross cultural specialist provide advices and procedures to improve staff integration, minimize cross cultural conflicts and create team spirit. Knowledge or awareness Training: When we are working with different cultural background customers or clients, every company will face problems. So for that company should conduct the awareness training programmes on values, customs, country and religion. As a result we can minimize the cultural misunderstandings and mistakes. Training for Expat: Sometimes company staff required to travel abroad to gain the knowledge about host country history, culture, customs, beliefs, business methods social formalities. Which are promote to reduce the impact of culture conflicts. Public Relation Department: Public relation cover the company brand name, image and advertising campaigns and all areas of organisations should be alert. Because the brand name, image and advertising campaigns which are acceptable to target country cultures. Language and communication skills programme: One of the main cause is to lead the cross cultural conflicts in the business is language and communication skills problem in the staff. By providing the linguistic and communication skills knowledge to staff, we can bridge cultural gaps. Above all the key solutions are currently have been following by business organisations to decrease the cultural conflicts. 3. Research Objectives: The aim of the proposed research is to: * Develop an attractive environment in the multi cultural organisations. * Develop the solutions to bridge the cultural conflicts gaps in the international business. * The actual response of satisfaction from the employees in the multi cultural organisation. 4. Research Method: The main aim of the research method is how you express about accomplish your research goals. Mainly the research method divided into two parts. Those are Research design and Data collection. Here in my proposal I am going to take a part of research design. 4.1. Research design: It contains where you would like to implement the research. And the research is a single organisation or else a part of a division of organisation. In this part we need to explain what kind of way you intend to bring out the research. E.g. On a questionnaire, interviews, case studies etc. And we need to explain which divisions, why you select these divisions as well as we need to explain the identity of our research people e.g. managers, workers and officials. And why we choose this people. The study undertaken to access the problems of conflict management in a cross cultural settings and get the feedback regarding their experiences from the existing employees in the multi cultural organisations and as a result of them we need to minimize their conflicts from their existing employees. Conduct a review of the literatures on employee involvement and the diversity of cultures in order to improve research hypothesis. Carry out primary research in three American owned IT companies in India to judge the opinions of Indian employees and their managers towards values underpinning employee involvement. An IT companies are chosen because the occupations carried out in these organisations are likely to be similar. Thus ensuring that any cultural differences are a function of Indian culture rather than of occupational culture. Research procedure: The questionnaire is uniquely designed to aid the research method in order to come to a conclusion. It contains various types of questions having different characteristics from cognitive nature, so as to obtain a multiple opinion in the given study. So below mentioned are few of those question samples: 1. What were the key issues which are observed during each overseas project? 2. Which are the cultural differences you faced most challenging? 3. What kind of training did was given from your organisations? 4. Which personal strengths did you find most helpful during your overseas assignments? The questions in the questionnaire will seek to test these hypothesis. The questionnaire will be distributed to a sample of employees and of managers across all three Companies. Sources of Data: A classification of data is very important procedure in this concept. The collected data can be classified into two types. 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data Primary Data: The primary data is very important source for to make suggestions to the title obtained. This data can be collected in various methods like survey, interviewing, feedback, i.e. Group Discussion etc., for collection of primary data the survey method is used, which involved predetermined questions. The structured questionnaire contained a form list of question framed so as to get the facts. But it involves high risk and huge expensive method to get the facts. Secondary Data: Collection of secondary data is very easy compared with primary data. But this data is also very important for the growth of an organization; Secondary data is collected from the company journals, magazines, broachers websites. Sample universe: The survey will give the complete picture of the area of the research. Sample frame/unit: professionals, business people, employees etc, who are working in the multi cultural organisations. Sample size: the total sample size is 100 only. Sample method: The information is planned to be collected by sample method, the sample method followed is random sampling method. The probability random sampling method is stratified random sampling. The reasons for selecting simple random method are accurate and easily accessible, if we have sufficient time better to go for face to face interview, if the sample size is large its cost is high. 5. Time scale: 6. Conclusion: It is clear that in any multinational companies ethics are more important which plays a vital role in any organization. By understanding these aspects we have come across many issues where every company is facing different type of cross-cultural ethics. In my literature review of cross-cultural conflicts in international business I have found how managers have to face ethical issues in cross-culture business environment. So however all these issues in cross-cultural business environment are being pointed out by every managers when they are doing host country projects, and many issues were researched by many authors and scholars and they try to make them better by bringing them into the real world. 7. Resources: I have been used the resources from saunders book, journals and articles.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Isolation Through Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

Isolation Through Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A symbol is an object used to stand for something else. Symbolism has a hidden meaning lying within it; these meanings unite to form a more detailed theme. Symbolism is widely used in The Scarlet Letter to help the reader better understand the deep meanings Nathaniel Hawthorne portrays throughout his novel. He shows that sin, known or unknown to the community, isolates a person from their community and from God. Hawthorne also shows this by symbols in nature around the town, natural symbols in the heavens, and nature in the forest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, two symbols in the town show how sin isolate people. In the first chapter there is a plant that stands out, â€Å"But on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rosebush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems† (46). It stands out as wild and different among the grass and weeds as Hester does in the Puritan town. She wears her scarlet letter as the rosebush wears its scarlet blossoms. Later in the book Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth (Hester’s unknown husband) discuss a strange dark plant that Chillingworth discovered. â€Å"I found them growing on a grave that bore no tombstone, nor other memorial of the dead man, save these ugly weeds that have taken upon themselves to keep him in remembrance. They grew out of his heart, and typify, it maybe, some hideous secret that was buried with him, and which he had done better to confess during his lifetime† (127). Here there is a man whos e sin was not publicly discovered while he was alive. This person tried to keep wrongdoing a secret by hiding it within himself. Yet the sin was too strong to hide and later reveled after his death. There remains nothing honorable about the place where this person lies, but the weed that grew out of the blackness of this person’s heart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next area is a symbol in the heavens. This occurs during the second famous scaffold scene. Dimmesdale, Hester, and Pearl are on the scaffold when, â€Å"a light gleamed far and wide over all the muffled sky. It was doubtless caused by one of those meteors† (150). â€Å"The minister looking upward to the zenith, beheld there the appearance of an immense letter-the letter ‘A’- marked out in lines of dull red light† (152).