Saturday, February 29, 2020

Autonomous Learner Characteristics

Autonomous Learner Characteristics INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Looking back in time, English language were used once during the Cambodian Republic Regime (1970 – 1975), but thereafter, English was completely banned during the Genocidal Regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge; in 1993, for the first National Election in Cambodia, English language emerged again in this country with the arrival of United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (Narith, 2008). Since then the popularity of English language has gradually grown among Cambodian people. According to Crystal (1997) indicates that English language gains its popularity in the world due to political power, military power and economic power. In Cambodia, because of local and international business, international non-governmental organizations, job requirements, consumerism, computers and mass media, young people are encouraged to learn English as a foreign language (Narith, 2008). Further, Igawa (2008) studies about English language an d its education in Cambodia states that â€Å"communicative competence in English means a better job and a better pay for Cambodian people†. That is why English language is encouraged and promoted to learn. Concerning English language learning, Cambodian students culturally seem to be respectful, obedient, and passive towards their teachers. This happens because of the traditional classroom, which is commonly practiced and mainly focused on teacher-centered approach. This approach offers fewer opportunities to students to engage in their learning, because the teacher always plays a role as a knowledge transmitter to students. Moreover, there is little interaction among teachers and students. The teacher usually spends a great deal of time speaking and explaining in the class; while students are required to sit passively and listen to the teacher attentively (Wang, 2007). However, after the communicative language teaching has emerged in Cambodia over the last ten years, the ro le of teacher and student has been gradually changed in modern classroom. In other words, there is a shift from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered approach, which offers students more possibilities to actively engage in their learning process. Since this shift occurs, learners are viewed as the main source of information for learning process, which the practice of learner autonomy begins to grow in language learning and teaching (Benson, 2001). Holec (1981) was the first person who coined the term â€Å"learner autonomy† and defined it as â€Å"the ability to take charge of one’s own learning†. Autonomous learning encourages a very active role of learners and focuses on greater students’ initiative rather teacher-centered direction. (Eyob, 2008). Tudor (1993) also states that learner-centeredness is not a method, nor may it be decreased to a set of rules. It is, however, an approach, which views students to have more active and participator y roles in the learning and teaching process than in traditional approaches. Additionally, this approach requires different classroom activities, the structures of which are decided by students themselves resulting in increases in students’ involvement and motivation. There is also a parallel change in the teacher’s role in learner-centered classrooms. The teacher is less likely to dominate classroom events in contrast to traditional classrooms where the learning environment is teacher-centered and teachers are considered as authorities.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie Reflection Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection - Movie Review Example Aspect of strong sexuality present in the movie points to one of the current generation spoils in real life. Aspects of nudity also provide a strong diversity effect on the society today with changes in the dressing code getting more and more chances that nudity is a normal thing in society. Among other aspects of diversity carried from the movie into the present day society, include racism. Racism grew as a huge challenge to the world.teh development of racism started back in the history of slavery and only a few thoughts and misconceptions would make one believe that it is totally out of the human race. Racism has spanned into the worlds of sports and other public activities. Racism as a behavior has had a difficult life in the society from years of slavery to date. The fact that it reduced largely does not mean it is totally out of the question. Many at times, aspects of racism have featured in the news including in the fields where sports activities take place. Racism remains one people should fear and work hard to eliminate or keep at bay. Racism can cause low self-esteem in people. It makes them have many fears. The sexuality in the movie provides a bad picture to the society with much obscenity growing one can easily attribute it to this level of exposure. The society is growing morally inefficient children due to the filming of movies with such strong sexual content. Among other impacts, the exposure of strong sexual aspects ahs is the addictions that they come with two youths on aspects of pornographic involvement. Nudity and the aspect of sexuality all seem to have a relationship. Aspects of nudity have grown into the fashion industry with models finding it easy to fit into brief clothes and move into the tune. Among other impacts of the movie to the current day life, include the increased pornographic activities and awareness on contraceptives.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 17

Personal Statement Example Personally, I find it thrilling to identify concrete ideas, which are empirically proven. Therefore, I felt a bit disappointed since mathematics applied only theoretical unproven ideas and I had no idea where to apply such theories in the real world. I still loved mathematics but I needed to find another more useful and concrete course. This idea came to my mind during my second year in college. Most of my friends began their internships that summer and that made me think hard about my future. I knew that pure mathematics could not help me find a job in the industry, thus, I commenced my study on applied mathematics. One of my roommates suggested to me that I undertake actuarial science, since it could enable me to apply the mathematical skills I had learned. One year of studying fundamental statistics equipped me with the knowledge of mathematical finance, life contingencies, and derivatives markets. Knowledge of the derivative market was fun for me since I got excited when I got stocks and options price by incorporating my mathematical skills. UI is one of the colleges in the United States with the best Actuarial Science programs in the United States. Most of the students undertaking it are graduates from other degree programs. Thus, sometimes one feels undermined by such classmates and it becomes hard to learn. In fact, I did not do well as I expected though I passed all the exams in that unit. I felt so excited to use this newly acquired knowledge thus I registered an account in option house with some money that my parents had lend me. I invested it in both the stock and the option markets. It was very disappointing to lose that money in three months, and I questioned myself on why this happened. I had counterchecked the theories, formulas and the financial model before investing and all was promising. Thus, I could not understand how I lost my small amount of investment in just three months. This